Does talking on the phone cause acne?

It's 12:00 AM and I am writing a blog post... Why? I just discovered something quite interesting, and I just had to share it with the Acne Teen community.

Note: For all of you phone talkers [who I know there are a lot of], this tip could really be the difference between having and not having acne.

The discovery - It turns out that talking on a telephone or cellphone while pressing it up against your face or cheek, may actually cause your acne to worsen. In fact, this may actually be the one reason why you have acne altogether.

[Note: If your acne resides on only one side of your face it's likely because

  1. You rest your hand on that side of your face.
  2. You sleep on that side of your face.
  3. You press your phone up against that side of your face. ]

This may be old information to some of you folks, and others may be thinking: "Well duh! Of course talking on the phone causes acne..." However, I found it interesting that talking on the phone while pressing it up against your cheek really made that much of a difference in my facial complexion.

How I made the acne caused by phone discovery.

Earlier tonight I was looking in the mirror. I noticed that the left side of my face near my ear had 3 small pimples. Considering how my face is otherwise clear, I began to question why I might have been having breakouts in the area.

I figured that the small-3-pimple breakout may have been due to:

1. Not applying Proactiv consistently to the area
2. Applying Proactiv incorrectly to the area.
3. Touching my face with my hand while sitting in class.

acne touching face

However, when I was talking to my girlfriend on the phone earlier tonight, I realized that my small breakout was due to the fact that I talk on the phone with my face and my shoulder pressed against it almost every night.

Oils from the phone may cause acne.

My only theory is that dirt and oils from your

  • Hands
  • Face
  • Hair

likely transfer to your phone, and then back to your face.

As a result, your acne either

  • Appears
  • or Appears to be worse

than it would be if you simply wouldn't talk on the phone, and when you do talk on the phone, not press it up against your cheek.

So in essence, yes, Talking on the phone may cause acne, or at least small breakouts. [However, this is only true if you press your phone up against your face while you're talking.]

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How long does it take for Proactiv to work

This has been a popular question amongst many Acne Teen Youtube fans, and I don't blame them for wanting to know the answer. When buying an acne product, I used to always ask myself: (1) Will this product clear my acne? (2)How long will it take my acne to clear?

The problem is: these questions can be very difficult to answer, for every individual acne case is different. Although this is true, the information below will hopefully help you gain a better understanding of how long it will take for Proactiv to clear your skin.

After you read the information below, feel free to also read my super detailed, Proactiv Review, along with my Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide.

types of acne

What type of acne do you have?

Before you go any further you must first determine what type of acne you have. Do you have either mild or severe acne? If you have severe acne, see the 'Severe Acne' section just below. If you have mild acne, scroll down to the 'Mild Acne' section.

Severe Acne:

severe acne

Week 1 - Your acne will worsen this week. Your skin will usually become dry, irritated, red, and itchy. Don't be alarmed. In order for Proactiv to work, it must first bring all of your acne to the surface of your skin. As for the side effects, it will take your skin some time to get used to the new treatment so they're completely normal.

Week 2 - Your acne may or may not have slightly improved. Most users are stuck still with their week 1 type of skin along with the side effects. Although this is true, light may start to shine in week 3.

Week 3 - New breakouts are scarce this week. However, you may still have acne from previous weeks. Side effects have likely dwindled and you're likely excited about the treatment.

Week 4 - Although most of us are past the stage of breakouts, for some, small breakouts aren't uncommon during this week. Side effects are still present, but far more minimized.

Week 5 - By the end of the month, your skin will have likely seen remarkable improvements. Your acne may still be present, but it's definitely minimized. A breakout or two may still occur, but they won't last as long as they normally have in the past.

Week 6 & Up - For some, acne has completely cleared. Scars and marks from old acne may be present for some time. However, they'll fade over time. The main thing to do now is to just stick with the regimen. Keep up the great work!

Little to Mild Acne:

 mild acne

Week 1 - Like those who have severe acne, your acne will also worsen this week. Along with the worsened acne, side effects will also present themselves. Dry, red, itchy, and irritated skin may occur during this time. Again, don't be alarmed. In order for Proactiv to work, it must first bring all of your acne to the surface of your skin. As for the side effects, it will take your skin some time to get used to the new treatment so they're completely normal.

Week 2 - You may notice a pretty good improvement in your skin already. However, for most of us, our acne is worse during this week, from the fact that it became worsened during week 1. Side effects are also common during this time.

Week 3 - Some are lucky enough to have clear skin during this week with subsided side effects. Some are still battling to clear their acne, but their time of clear skin will come soon enough.

Week 4 & Up - Most people are completely clear by week 4. However, red marks and scars from old acne will likely linger. They'll go away over time though. The main thing here is to just stick with the regimen.

All cases of acne:

Although everyone has different kinds of acne, it's important for everyone alike to follow these common rules to get the fastest and quickest results possible while using Proactiv or any other similar acne product.

  1. Be consistent - Don't skip applications!
  2. Be gentle - Don't push Proactiv into your skin!
  3. Drink water not soda - Bonus tip!
  4. Know -
    a. To be successful with Proactiv know How to use Proactiv Properly
    b. The proper time to apply Proactiv
    c. Not to be alarmed by Common Proactiv side effects
    d. To see my before and after Proactiv picture for encouragement


Good luck with the regimen! Remember to stick with it. If you're have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to post a comment below, or join the Acne Teen Forums.

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When To Apply Proactiv *UPDATED

I have decided to re-write this post, because my last post that taught you when to apply was NOT nearly as effective as what I am about to teach you right now.

My Previous Post

Clock on wall

My previous post stated that you should use Proactiv after school, and before bed. This way, you avoid the morning showers, followed by the cleanse, and the use of Proactiv, after these showers. Although my previous post was correct about over-washing the face, and stripping it of natural oils, it was incorrect about one thing: When To Apply Proactiv.

So When Should I Apply Proactiv?

If you were one of those individual who tried my 3:00 PM and 9:00 PM Proactiv routines, and you're not having success, try this for a change.

Apply Proactiv in the morning.

This time, use the 1st step in the shower. After your shower, pat your face dry, and apply the second two steps of Proactiv, along with the Green Tea Moisturizer.

Apply Proactiv at night.

Again, if you take a shower at night as well, be sure to use the cleanser in the shower.

Updated vs Old Routine

The new routine allows the spread of 12 hours between Proactiv applications. The use of the cleanser in the shower avoids a second wash after the shower, which would've definitely cause skin irritation, otherwise.

Overall, the updated method I have provided you with is improved, BIG TIME! Feel free to check out my Proactiv Q & A guide for more tips!

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How To Use Proactiv Properly!

Having an acne fighting product is completely useless if you don't know how to use it correctly. In fact, most people, especially young teens that use acne products, use their product either incorrectly or inconsistently. That's why most acne companies now have live phone customer support.

Now, after you guys read this page, be sure to check out my complete Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide for more information about Proactiv. This guide is an archive of all of my Proactiv-related posts.

What Proactiv instructions don't tell you...

Consistency is key

The number 1 rule for clear skin success with Proactiv and any acne product is to be consistent.

IMPORTANT: If you occasionally use Proactiv or you occasionally only skip one day or one step of the regimen, your acne will not go away!

How many times a day you should use Proactiv

I believe that the instructions actually say that you should use Proactiv 2 times a day. However, this can really vary from person to person.

Skin type determines # of times you should apply Proactiv Daily -

1. Dry skin: Use Proactiv once a day.

2. Normal skin: Use Proactiv twice a day.

3. Oily skin: Use Proactiv twice a day.

*What time should I apply Proactiv?

Update: You should definitely use Proactiv morning and night - try to leave 12 hours between each application. I'll update my posts soon, and explain why!

IMPORTANT: Applying Proactiv at the wrong time is usually the number 3 cause of side effects, aside from overusing the product and applying the product too roughly. With that being said, it's vital that you read this post: When to apply Proactiv, so you can learn how to avoid those nasty side effects.

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Proactiv Side Effects

Like most facial cleansing acne products on the market, Proactiv is no exception to the notorious side effects that come specially packaged in almost all acne products. There are two common ingredients in most of these acne products that can and usually will cause at the least, minor side effects. Still, Proactiv side effects can be avoided!

Ingredients in acne products that commonly cause side effects:

1. Benzoyl Peroxide

2. Salicylic Acid

As a company, Proactiv actually uses both Benzoyl Peroxide and Salicylic Acid in their products. However, in the common 3-step Solution, Proactiv seems to continually favor Benzoyl Peroxide.

proactiv side effects

What are side effects of Proactiv

Although these side effects aren't fun, they can easily be combated if you learn how to use Proactiv properly. Also, be sure to check out my Proactiv Review and Proactiv Questions and Answers guide for more information.

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Before and After Proactiv Picture

I have already shown you the below image on my Acne Teen Success Story page, however, I am posting the image in it's own post for two reasons: (1) I want to reinforce the fact that I used Proactiv to obtain clear skin. (2) I don't have any other image of me when I had acne.

Don't believe me?

About Acne Teen

The above images were not retouched in any way. I will be posting some High Definition videos on Youtube showing closeups of my face here in the next couple of days as proof that my skin has cleared.

UPDATE: I have recently posted a high definition video. Feel free to check it out. It will clearly show that I have clear skin. Again, my beautiful complexion was obtained by using Proactiv Solutions.

Although this is true, it doesn't mean the solution is perfect. Be sure to check out my Proactiv Review to find out why. Also see my complete Proactiv Questions and Answers Guide!

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Acne Teen Success Story

Let's be straight. Acne stinks! I am not here to feed you any garbage about ways that can supposedly get rid of acne. Instead, I am here to talk to you about my acne experience, how I got clear skin, and how you can get clear skin too

I am also here to point you in the right direction of some great acne products and acne resources that will help you get rid of your acne.

About Acne Teen clear skin

Photo Taken By: DHW Photography - Salem, OR

My Acne Teen story:

I first started getting acne my freshman year of high school. As most people didn't believe my acne was "that bad compared to others," I still thought it was horrible. It was a real self-esteem killer. I vividly remember hiding my face from everyone as I walked through the halls all because of a few little pimples. No matter how little those pimples actually were, each one still seemed enormous and hideous to me.

Welcome to the World of Acne Products:

Only after having acne for one month, I decided that it was time to try to clear my skin.

Products and tricks I use in attempts to clear my skin:

  1. Alcohol pads
  2. Acne free face wash
  3. Egg whites
  4. Eating "healthy"
  5. Fasting

Research Became My Friend:

After the commercial alcohol pads and acne free face washes didn't work for me, I began to research the underlying causes of acne. I also searched for ways to get rid of acne. That's when I came across step numbers 3, 4, and 5 above. But still, egg whites, eating healthy, and even fasting wouldn't get rid of my acne.

Introduced to Proactiv:

Finally, after months of nothing working, I was introduced to Proactiv Solutions. Proactiv resulted in the beautiful skin in the above "after" picture.

Readership Bonus:

Get a FREE bonus when you order any Proactiv® Acne Solution system. Choose from Refining Mask or Green Tea Moisturizer.

Life Without Acne:

Life without acne is simply amazing. I can freely do what I want and need without having to worry about a pimple sprouting and ruining my day. Without acne, I no longer have to hide my face and I no longer have to hide from the world.

My hope for you:

From reading the advice that I am providing you with here at AcneTeen dot Org, I hope that you will also have clear skin success. Please enjoy reading Acne Teen dot Org. I hope to see you around and I hope to see you with clear skin soon!

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Acne.Org Review

The theme based around is "B.P." aka Benzoyl Peroxide. Their solution contains a 3-step acne fighting regimen and again, one of the best support teams on the net.

Since I first wrote this post back in ancient times, I have actually tried's products, and have now been using them since December of 2009. Currently, it's April of 2010. It's a great product, as long as you don't use too much benzoyl peroxide! It's kept me clear for quite a few months now.

Back when I had what I considered, "bad acne," I stumbled upon the Acne.Org Community. I told them that I needed help. You would've thought they would have tried to talk me into using their own solutions, but instead, they helped me clear my skin using what I already had.

The secret behind Acne.Org: The special acne fighting ingredient, Benzoyl Peroxide! I guess it's not really much of a secret since it's promoted all over their website. However, this is the reason their solution works.

If you didn't know, benzoyl peroxide is said to be one of the best ways to fight against acne vulgaris. This statement has been mentioned in multiple books, by multiple dermatologists.

Acne.Org wants you to have clear and beautiful skin, regardless of which product you decide to use. I hope this review influences you to check out their website, and their forum. It's a great resource, along with Acne Teen, for those of you who are looking to clear your skin.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I made some videos on how to get rid of acne, and they involve using the products. Be sure to check it out!

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Acne Teen Disclaimer

My name is Taylor Thompson, and I am the owner of Acne Teen dot Org. I am ready to help you clear your acne, if you're willing to work with me. However, this disclaimer is a requirement so I don't for whatever reason, get sued.

Although I try to report information as accurately and specifically as possible, you must understand that I am not a doctor nor have I gone to school for the study of dermatology and or anything else related to skin care or acne.

With the above information being said, I will not be held responsible for ANYTHING that happens to you while following any of the given advice on my site.

If you have any questions about the disclaimer above, feel free to post them as a comment at the end of this page.

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